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100 Simple Parent Child Activities To Do at Home

Looking for fun activities to do at home to bond with your kids? Check out these great ideas!

My little one is two and so is still fascinated by so much that he often doesn't need any activities to keep him entertained. And I love his free play. However, I often want some play time where I can be engaged with him, so I personally do better at being present if I have an activity I want to do with him.

That being said, I am also busy and don't want anything that requires a lot of preparation or special materials. Most days, I am not organized enough to have things prepared. So I have compiled a list of ideas for activities that anyone can do with their child that does not require any special preparation. I hope it inspires you to play!

Activity Ideas

1. Bake something

Baking is such a great activity to do together as a family. Baking is so fun, a great way to bond with your little ones, and an excellent opportunity to practice math and life skills. Baking involves a lot of measurement, you can also incorporate counting, recognizing shapes, and comparison into your baking. Best of all, what a great memory to create with your little ones!

2. Have a storytime

I love when my little one wants to read outside of our bedtime routine. Let your kid pick the book and you can even take turns reading (even if they are just making up a story about the pictures). Have fun with it and take story time outside or read in a fort you build or go to the park - be creative!

3. Garden

Gardening with your child is so beneficial for many reasons. Check out this post about gardening with kids. It is a great way to get outside at home and teach your child about nature. If you can grow some food, even better! We have a couple of small produce-producing plants and my little one loves to go pick the food off. They are learning math and science skills, getting outside time, and bonding with you!

4. Take a Walk

I love taking a walk with my little one. It gets us somewhat active (at least) outside, and I often feel like we both feel better when we are out in nature. Additionally, there are so many opportunities to initiate discussion and playfulness while out for a walk.

5. Make sock puppets

This is a fun and creative activity in both the creation of the sock puppets and the show you and your children can put on after their creation. Additionally, you can make up scenarios to help your children process big feelings and events.

6. Do a puzzle

Puzzles are fun and great for learning. While puzzles are not always the first toy kids reach for, often playing with them intentionally leads to tons of fun for everyone!

7. Build with blocks

Any type of block - wood, silicone, LEGOs, plastic, etc. are a fun, creative, and a great way for kids to utilize STEAM skills. Try challenging your kids in different ways, ex. who can build the highest tower or let's try to build a princess castle or anything else that will capture your little one's interest.

8. Have a mystery food game - guess foods while blindfolded

If your little ones are a little older this could be such a fun one to try so they can try to trick their grown up! Or you can do it together to see if you can taste the difference between similar products. Have fun with it!

9. Write a letter

Have your child write a letter to a friend of family member. What a fun surprise for them and a chance for your child to learn about letter writing.

10. Color a picture

Coloring is always a lovely option when you need a quieter or more still activity. My little one is engaged in coloring for longer periods if Mom and Dad join him in it. You can also have your child color a picture for someone else as a small kind act to brighten someone's day.

11. Have a dance party

Throw some music on that the whole family will enjoy and just be silly. What wonderful memories are made with impromptu dance parties. I particularly love them for when a little extra energy needs to be had with lots of joy.

12. Play with chalk

My two-year-old has recently discovered chalk, and he loves it. He will often ask me to draw something and then he will color over it. A great way to let kids be creative outside. You can also suggest/challenge your kids to different drawings or activities with chalk.

13. Teach your child hopscotch

A fun and easy activity that is also active. We found hopscotch the other day at the park that another family had drawn on the sidewalk. My little one giggled and giggled (and requested more) when he saw me hopping through it. And great practice for some gross motor skills for little ones.

14. Ride bikes

We have a little tricycle and a balance bike for my little guy and I am trying to get him more interested in it. So I just bought a bike, so he can ride on my bike with me and I am hoping this will increase his interest. I have such fond memories of riding bikes when i was a kid, that I look forward to making these memories with my own child.

15. Have a paper airplane contest

Make paper airplanes and test them. See whose airplane can go the furthest, highest, etc.

16. Create an obstacle course with objects around the house

This can be done inside or outside depending on the weather or space. What an opportunity for your kids to be creative in designing an obstacle course. Then active as they make their way through the obstacle course. Let them know they have to put everything back when they're done.

17. Play hide and seek

Who doesn't love a classic game of hide and seek? For very little ones, hid a small object just out of sight. Hide and seek is fun and helps with development!

18. Build a fort

Building a fort is beneficial for kids in a number of ways. Plus, it is so much fun! Build an awesome fort and then use the fort for storytime or a tea party or another fun activity.


19. Do yoga together

Doing yoga with your little ones can be beneficial for everyone. It is active and can be a great mindfulness activity to do while you bond.

20. Create a city or parking lot for toy cars

Let your kids be creative and design a parking lot or a city out of chalk (or painter's tape if inside). Then your little ones can drive their toy cars around the city or parking lot.

21. Have a tea party

A classic for a reason. You can have so much fun enjoying a tea party with your little one(s). Also, a great way to work on communication skills with your little one as you chat over tea.

22. Play dress up

Let your child dress up in your clothes or pretend clothes. Have them take on a character and/or be creative with it in any way that is fun.

23. Search for four-leaf clovers

I love watching the kids when I go to pick up my son at daycare because a number of kids like to play outside after school. I love watching their fascination with everyday things, especially things in nature many adults pay no mind to. Little ones will have so much hunting for four-leaf clovers, having the opportunity to examine nature.

24. Play with water

In my experience, kids love playing with water. Be creative and let them get wet and they will probably have a blast. A water table, a kids pool, the hose, buckets of water - we have used them all with our son and we always have a great time.

25. Play I-Spy out your window

Do you have a window in your house that is a good place to sit and look outside? I was surprised at how much my little guy just liked sitting with me and talking about observations outside the window. If your kid is a little older, you can play I-spy.

26. Clean out the closets

Sometimes you just need to get some things done around the house. We have found our little one loves to "help" with chores. The joy he finds in the chores makes them more fun for us. Find something simple they can do to help or let them play dress up or put music on and have a dance party while you clean out the closets.

27. Play the floor is lava

Kids love playing the floor is lava and they will love it even more If you play with them. Have fun and lots of laughter.

28. Sort all the toys by color

Make it a game and have your little one bring all the orange toys or all the orange Legos. It then becomes a good opportunity to practice matching skills and you can even take to the opportunity to organize toys by color (if you like rainbow organization). Have a competition to see who can find the most to really engage your kids.

29. Put on a play with stuffies

Use all of your little one's stuffies to put on a show. You can use the show to discuss big topics in a playful way.

30. Play Simon Says and/or Follow the Leader

A fun way for your kids to practice following directions!

31. Bubble party

In my experience, most kids love bubbles. There are a number of options to have a bubble party. Make bubbles, put music on, and use a bubble maker or some combination of both!

32. Cook dinner

Cooking can be a great bonding experience, meanwhile, you are teaching your kids valuable life skills. You are also able to get dinner ready while keeping your kids busy.

33. Lemonade stand

Help your little ones with a lemonade stand and you will all have a blast. Plus they can learn a number of skills including math and communication skills. Bonus, let them keep any profits to spend, save, or donate.

34. Play board games

We love board games! I cannot wait to teach my little guy when he is ready. Looking for good board games for littles? There are more options than you may realize. Check out Peaceable Kingdom Games as a good starting point.

35. Have a picnic

Picnics are so much fun and there are so many options for a picnic - Have a picnic in the backyard, or on the living room floor, or at your favorite park. You can also get your kids involved in planning the picnic and making the food for it.

36. Play balloon tennis

I remember playing this as a kid and I know my little guy likes anything with balloons. Try to keep the balloon from hitting the ground!

37. Write/draw a story

A fun way to be creative and work on practicing writing (if applicable). Let your little one create their own story about anything they want. They can then illustrate it too. If your children are little (like mine!) you can help them come up with and write the story, and illustrate it together.

38. Draw a body with chalk

Have your child outline your or a sibling's body with chalk then they can create a person out of chalk.

39. Treasure Hunt

Fun and creative and can be done with supplies you likely have around the house. Create a treasure hunt for your child to go on and keep busy with at home.

40. Draw a self-portrait

Have your child draw themselves. Fun, creative, and a great way to have a conversation while they are drawing.

41. Make a paper chain

Paper chains are so much fun! There are so cool paper chain craft ideas on the internet. And if you want to stick with a basic paper chain, you can use one to create a countdown to a special event, or you can use one as a fun way to write down something your little one is grateful for each day, or just create one for no reason in particular. Be creative and have fun!

42. Paint the fence with water

A fun and mess-free summer activity. Give your littles a paintbrush and a cup of water and they can "paint" on the fence. It will then disappear as the sun dries it.

43. Play "reporter" and interview each other

Such a fun way to get to know and take an interest in your kids and let them learn about you too. Come up with a list of questions and take turns playing reporter.

44. Create a special handshake

Your kids are likely to feel super special if you come up with a special handshake that you can use to show your bond for years to come.

45. Have a movie night (or afternoon)

Plan a full movie night with popcorn and maybe some candy. Make it interesting by having it in the backyard (if you have all the stuff) or on the floor of the living room. If your kids go to bed early, have it a little earlier in the afternoon and just close the blinds and enjoy an early night.

46. Create gratitude journals together

I personally believe teaching my kid gratitude is super important. Spend some time discussing gratitude and creating fun gratitude journals together that you can do together daily! Let your kid decorate it however they want and decide how they want to use it (how many things will they write down, do they want to draw a picture with it, etc.)

47. Plan a trip or outing together

Making a plan is an important skill for little ones to develop! Plan a future (or dream future) trip together or even just a fun outing.

48. Play a sport together

Introduce your child to your favorite sport or bond over theirs. A fun way to play together, be active, and get outside.

49. Play pretend

Pretending is a great way to develop your little one's brain. Let them be creative and go with it, engage with them, and have fun!

50. Give each other makeovers

Do your little one's hair and nails and let them do yours. Maybe even let them put your makeup on if you are feeling brave.

51. Create a mud kitchen

I think most kids love playing in the mud. Set them up a little mud kitchen in your backyard and just let them have fun and get messy. They will really love it if you join them in the mud!

52. Create a time capsule

Explain what a time capsule is and brainstorm with your kids what could go in to represent the present time. Then let the choose some items to put in and find a fun place to put it where it can be found in the future to look back at this time of their lives.

53. Find items to donate

Need to declutter or maybe you just want to teach your little ones about generosity. This is a great opportunity to discuss ways to help people in need. You can clean out some of your things and invite your little one to choose a toy(s) that they are no longer using to donate to other kids.

54. Plan a yard sale together

Another good option if you are wanting to declutter your home. If your kid is a little bit older, it is a great way to help them practice money skills.

55. Go on a rock hunt

My little guy loves to pick up rocks. We have a pile of rocks inside our house, in our garage, and on our front porch from the rocks he has picked up along the way. So I know he would love to go on a rock hunt and depending on your child's age and the area you live, you can challenge them to find specific rocks or rocks that are a certain shape or color.

56. Give them a bath with extra play time

Often times the regularly scheduled bath time has to be pretty quick as we try to complete our daily routines. So giving your kids a bath where they are allowed (or even encouraged) to play will be a fun activity for them.

57. Create a mini-bowling alley

You can use empty water balls and any ball you have around the house. Let your little ones bowl and you can even keep score if they are a bit older and enjoy a friendly competition.

58. Video call a friend or family member

I know our friends and family love getting a call from our sweet boy. Take some time to catch up with friends and family and maybe someone you haven't spoken with in a while.

59. Organize your pantry (help your child sort foods)

My pantry almost always needs to be organized (since it only seems to last about a week at my house). So you can take foods out and let your child help you sort foods. You can also have them sort play food if you have it.

60. Clean the house together

Since my little one loves to help we have a number of toy cleaning supplies/tools. I also highly recommend taking a Swiffer and taking out a part of the middle section to shorten the handle. Then they can actually clean while you clean. My little one loves to "help" us clean and we all have more fun with it.

61. Have a "karaoke" party

You don't have to have a karaoke machine for this version. Just put on some music and take turns singing and putting on a show.

62. Wash the car

Another fun but still productive activity. Let your kid get their swimsuit on and help wash the car. Playing with water and soap in the driveway will be a blast and you will have a clean car. You can also let them create a car wash for their toy cars or other toys.

63. Play tag

Get outside and get moving with a fun game of tag. Your kid(s) will love it if you are playing too!

64. Have a campfire

There is something magical about sitting by a fire under the stars. Have a campfire in the backyard, make s'mores, tell stories, sing songs, and just relax together. We have a Solo Stove for backyard fires (one of those smokeless fire pits) and I LOVE it. I highly recommend it if you like having fires. It is super light, so we can store it in our garage when we are not using it.

65. Stargaze

Maybe while you are out having a backyard campfire or are just wanting to relax outside one clear evening, take some time to appreciate the stars with your little ones.

66. Play rock, paper, scissors

Teach your kids rock, paper, scissors, and have a competition. Older kids may even want to get creative and invent their own version.

67. Take silly selfies

My two-year-old loves selfies. Take fun selfies and use silly filters to get lots of giggles.

68. Measure different parts of your body

Practice measurement skills by using a tape measure to measure different parts of the body. Have them measure height, arm length, leg length, wingspan, hands, feet, etc. and record their measurements.

69. Practice shoe tying

Shoe tying is such an important life skill! And while it is a tough one to learn, your child will feel so proud of themselves once they get it. Use real shoes or make one out of cardboard and a shoelace. Check out some great tips from We Are Teachers.

70. Create your own secret code or language

Another great way to make your child feel special. Create your own secret code or language that you can use while together. Bonus: you can then use your code/language to send fun messages in their lunch or to leave in their backpack to find at school.

71. Play catch

A classic for a reason. Tossing a ball together is enjoyable for many years.

72. Pick flowers

Outside my child's daycare facility, there is a field that often has "weeds" growing in it. Many of the kids love to play in it after school and during the spring they love to pick the dandelions and other flowers to give to their parents. It is adorable and so fun!

73. Play in the sprinklers

When it is hot outside, there isn't much better than running through the sprinklers. Join in on the fun with your little one.

74. Teach your dog a new trick

If you have a dog, work together to teach it a new trick! A great way to teach patience and persistence since teaching a new trick will likely take some time and effort.

75. Build a farm out of playdoh

Give your child a prompt for guided playdoh play of a farm or anything they might be interested in. If you build a farm, it could start a great discussion on animals and how farms run.

76. Have an at-home spa day

Need to relax? Enjoy face masks, mani/pedis, and even give each other massages at home. Enjoy and make memories!

77. Cook/bake for your neighbor

Cooking and baking are great activities because they teach some different skills including (but not limited to) math skills, life skills, and communication skills. If you bring your cooking or baking over to a neighbor, it also doubles as a fun random act of kindness!

78. Make necklaces using pasta

With just a few supplies that you may already have in your house, you can make macaroni necklaces. Fun, creative, and great fine motor practice.

79. Race play cars

If your little one loves playing with toy cars. Have a race with their toy cars. You can even create a race track using painter's tape.

80. Go puddle splashing

A few weeks ago my little guy got to play in his first puddle. The joy he had splashing in the puddle was amazing. I loved watching him as he experienced this pure joy from something so simple. Next time you have a rain storm, put on your rain boots and just let go and have fun.

81. Give massages

Take turns giving each other shoulder/back/foot massages.

82. Make a vision board

Use old magazines or let your child draw their own pictures to create a vision board. This is a fun and creative way to discuss setting goals and making your dreams happen.

83. Play musical chairs (or cushions)

If your little one loves music, this is a great way to incorporate music, music, and games. Cushions are s safer option for our littlest kids to avoid any accidents.

84. Have a toy car wash

Using a container or bucket with soap and water to set up a car wash for toy cars or a washing station for other kids. This is fun water play for your kids and a great opportunity to sanitize their toys.

Feeling tired? Find something simple to make a game. For example, challenge your kid(s) to find all of the orange toys. This is great matching practice! Bonus: if you are interested in organizing their toys, by color is a great organization system for kids.

89. Have a calisthenics challenge

Having a calisthenics challenge can be a great option if you need a healthy outlet for your kids' excess energy and/or if you need to get some exercise in too. Challenge your kid(s) to see who can do 10 push-ups, 50 jumping jacks, run in place the longest, etc.

90. Play red light, green light, and other classic games

Classic games like red light/green light are so fun for kids and a great chance to practice following directions.

91. Play with shadows

Shadows are so much fun and a great way to teach a scientific concept. There are so many fun ways to play with shadows with your little ones.

92. Play with stickers

Stickers and sticker books are a new favorite at my house. If you are needing a quite more low-key activity, try stickers.

93. Play with magnets

Personally. I am a big fan of magnets. Since my little guy discovered them, it is much easier to keep him in busy in the kitchen while I make dinner. But you can also play with them and show them all of the awesome attributes of magnets. If you are looking for more structured magnet play, there are a ton of great ideas on the internet.

94. Make a card for someone

Another fun and creative activity that can double as a random act of kindness.

95. Have a photoshoot

You can pair this activity with playing dress up or it can stand alone. Have your kid pose and be silly well you take pictures and let them take pictures of you doing the same.

96. Collect leaves

I love kids' natural interest and joy in exploring nature. Go on a hunt to collect different types of leaves. You can have fun discussing the differences of the leaves, drawing different types of leaves, identifying them, etc.

97. Write a family song

Be creative together as a family and come up with a family song.

98. Have your child teach you something

Your kid(s) will be so proud to teach you something. Let them come up with something they feel they are really good at and let them teach it to you. A great way to develop communication skills too.

99. Walk the dog or a neighbor's dog

If your family is anything like mine, your dog does not go on enough walks. Get your kids and your dog active by taking the dog for a walk. If you have a neighbor, friend, or family member who has a dog, you can also offer to walk their dog (another fun random act of kindness!).

100. Create a family bucket list

Brainstorm with your kids things you would like to do as a family. This could be in general or over the summer or in the next year.

Note: This list contains Amazon Affiliate links. I only link things I have used and genuinely recommend.

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