Reading to preschoolers is so very important as we are working to build early literacy skills for our little ones and build a lover of reading. The tips below can help you make storytime more beneficial and more fun for both you and your little one!
Make reading a part of your daily routine
Ask your child questions as you are reading about the story and pictures
Reread your child's favorite books; repetition helps them learn
Point out similar words (for example: words beginning with the same letter)
Count objects on the page
Have your child "read" to you - they may be reading the pictures or have parts of the story memorized
Read with inflection and make it fun through your energy reading
Read slowly to give your child time to process the story
Wordless books are okay! This gives you and your child an opportunity to make up a story that matches the pictures
All reading is good reading - let your child pick what they want to read (it doesn't even have to be a book)
It's okay if you do not finish the book and/or if your child wants to jump around a bit in the book
Get your child engaged in the text by asking things such as what they think is going to happen next and how the story could have ended differently
Try reading non-fiction books and fiction books to give your child variety
Find fun/different places to read - go to the park, build a fort, read in the backyard, etc.
Let your child see you reading --- this shows them that you value reading
Remember Mama, you are doing a great job! You got this!