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200+ Daily Affirmations for Kids and Parents

Daily affirmations are a great tool for changing thinking and boosting confidence and self-esteem. Daily affirmations can be helpful for everyone, kids and adults alike.

You have likely heard of affirmations before, but did you know there is neuroscience behind using daily affirmations? Researchers have found that daily affirmations can increase self-competence and happiness, and decrease stress. Positive affirmations can retrain your brain if used consistently over time.

How to Use Affirmations

When using positive affirmations, it is most effective to choose the ones that align with your values and are related to the areas of your life you want to see change in. Find the affirmations that fit you and your life. While using positive affirmations, be sure to acknowledge the situation and challenges in your life. Positive affirmations are not about perfection, but about being your best self and pushing through difficulties.

  • Say them out loud

  • Use the present tense

  • Don't focus on the negative

  • Choose meaningful affirmations

  • Try writing them down - Create an affirmation journal

Tips for kids:

Below are 200+ positive affirmation ideas for kids and adults. Choose the ones that fit you, and say them out loud daily to see your thoughts transform!

100+ Affirmations for Adults

  1. I am loved just for being who I am, just for existing.

  2. Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen. - Brene Brown

  3. My life is about to be incredible.

  4. My perspective is unique. It's important and it counts.

  5. Today, I will embrace the glorious mess that I am.

  6. I am loved and worthy.

  7. I am in charge of how I feel and I choose to be happy.

  8. I am worthy of investing in myself.

  9. I deserve to take up space.

  10. I release all that no longer serves me.

  11. My mistakes do not define me.

  12. My body is healthy, strong, and beautiful.

  13. I am allowed to feel all emotions - that is part of being human.

  14. I am allowed to express my needs to others.

  15. I deserve to be loved and to love others.

  16. I accept myself for who I am.

  17. I possess the qualities I need to be successful.

  18. Today is the beginning of whatever I want.

  19. I embrace my best self today.

  20. I am persistent. I am relentless. I keep going.

  21. I choose to respond to this challenge with grace and positivity.

  22. My needs matter.

  23. I am the exact parent my child needs to blossom, so I don't compare myself to others.

  24. I will let go of how I think today is supposed to go and accept how it unfolds with positivity.

  25. I deserve time for myself and can attend to my own needs without guilt, justification, or apology.

  26. I need to give myself credit for what I do every day.

  27. I am patient. I am positive. I am present.

  28. I am worthy of success and prosperity.

  29. The world is better with me in it.

  30. My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive.

  31. If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way. - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

  32. I deserve to be surrounded by people who love and respect me.

  33. It is never to late to be what you might have been. - George Eliot

  34. A champion is defined not by their wins, but by how they can recover when they fall. - Serena Williams

  35. I'm equally as worthy as everybody else.

  36. Success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts. - Winston Churchill

  37. My hard work will pay off.

  38. My mind is full of brilliant ideas.

  39. Life does not have to be perfect to be wonderful.

  40. I believe that I can do anything.

  41. There are some things that I cannot change and I'm okay with that.

  42. In taking care of myself, I am teaching my children the value of self-care.

  43. It's okay that I had a bad moment or day. This too shall pass.

  44. My children do not want perfection, they want me.

  45. Some days are better than others, but that doesn't mean I am a bad parent.

  46. I can adapt to changes in my plans and expectations.

  47. My feelings are valid.

  48. I meet my child(ren) where they are.

  49. I accept my child(ren) for who they are right now.

  50. I assume positive intent in others.

  51. I will be present today and enjoy each moment as it comes.

  52. I find joy in everyday parenting.

  53. I show up every day for my family.

  54. It is okay to say no and to set healthy boundaries.

  55. Parenting is hard, but I can do it.

  56. My life is a gift and I appreciate what I have.

  57. I am doing my best and that is good enough.

  58. My life gets better as I get older.

  59. My contributions to the world are valuable.

  60. I'm open to new adventures in my life.

  61. No amount of worrying can change the future.

  62. I can choose to feel good.

  63. I am grateful for the people in my life.

  64. I give myself permission to be myself.

  65. Taking small steps every day can help me achieve big goals.

  66. I am in charge of my life.

  67. I have the power to let things go.

  68. I am grateful for my feelings and emotions.

  69. I express my true self.

  70. I am allowed to be loud.

  71. I do not have to be agreeable or quiet to be worthy of love.

  72. I've got this! Nothing can hold me back.

  73. This moment is mine and I am fully present.

  74. Focus on what I can control, and release the rest.

  75. My past experiences have strengthened me for today.

  76. I don't have to carry it all.

  77. I can transform problems into challenges, weaknesses into strengths, and fear into action.

  78. I am free from the opinions of others.

  79. I am living my own unique story.

  80. I choose love in every interaction.

  81. Love is abundant. There is more than enough to give and receive.

  82. I can handle anything that comes my way.

  83. I am capable and strong.

  84. I will make the most of today.

  85. I forgive myself for what did not go well.

  86. It is okay not to know everything - there's always something to learn.

  87. My life matters.

  88. I am a priority.

  89. I am caring, compassionate, and understanding.

  90. I am fearless in the pursuit of my goals.

  91. Today, I will celebrate something beautiful and original.

  92. Today, I will take time to be present in the moment and not worry or think about productivity.

  93. I give myself compassion.

  94. I am the architect of my life. I build its foundation and choose its contents.

  95. Today, I am brimming with energy and overflowing with joy.

  96. I have been given endless talents, which I will begin to utilize today.

  97. I possess the qualities needed to be extremely successful.

  98. My ability to conquer challenges is limitless. My potential to succeed is infinite.

  99. Today, I abandon old habits and take up new, more positive ones.

  100. I am a powerhouse. I am indestructible.

  101. I am persistent. I will rise to every challenge I face and from every fall I experience.

100+ Affirmations for Kids

  1. There is no one better to be than myself.

  2. I am enough.

  3. I believe in myself.

  4. I matter.

  5. I can do hard things.

  6. I am proud of myself.

  7. Today, I choose to think positively.

  8. Today is going to be a great day.

  9. I choose my own attitude.

  10. I am important.

  11. It is enough to do my best.

  12. I accept who I am.

  13. Challenges help me grow.

  14. I am perfect just the way I am.

  15. I know right from wrong.

  16. I learn anything I put my mind to.

  17. I can ask for support.

  18. I am a good listener.

  19. I am proud of the person I am becoming.

  20. I am unique and special.

  21. I have many talents.

  22. I am grateful for my family.

  23. I am happy to be alive.

  24. I am excited to go to school.

  25. I will make the most of this day.

  26. I am brave.

  27. I am smart.

  28. I am loved.

  29. I am appreciated.

  30. I am heard.

  31. I am a good friend.

  32. I am an important part of my family.

  33. I am deserving of love and respect.

  34. I am a good example to others.

  35. I am capable.

  36. I am persistent.

  37. I am exactly where I need to be.

  38. I am worthy.

  39. I am joyful.

  40. I am patient.

  41. I am helpful.

  42. I am strong.

  43. I am in charge of my life.

  44. My thoughts and ideas are valued.

  45. I embrace change.

  46. Learning is fun and exciting.

  47. I am protected.

  48. Whatever I do, I give it my best.

  49. I am gentle with myself and others.

  50. I am strong inside and out.

  51. I am beautiful.

  52. I have a strong and important voice.

  53. I have lots of good ideas.

  54. I make good decisions.

  55. My opinion is important.

  56. When I think positive thoughts, I have positive feelings.

  57. I am kind to everyone.

  58. I have many people who love me.

  59. I never give up.

  60. It's okay to make mistakes.

  61. I am fun to be around.

  62. I am creative.

  63. I am silly and fun.

  64. I am a problem solver.

  65. I am ready to be a leader.

  66. All of my feelings are important.

  67. I can manage all of my feelings.

  68. I am truthful.

  69. I get better every day.

  70. I am extraordinary.

  71. I forgive myself for my mistakes.

  72. Today is a fresh start.

  73. I deserve happiness.

  74. I'm going to make today count.

  75. I can make a difference.

  76. My choices are my own.

  77. I can and I will.

  78. I will be true to myself.

  79. I can choose my behavior in every situation.

  80. I can handle this.

  81. I am a hard worker.

  82. Mistakes help me grow.

  83. I see the bright side of things.

  84. I am polite, I use my manners.

  85. I can achieve great things.

  86. I am a good sport, whether I win or lose.

  87. I spread happiness wherever I am.

  88. I am whole.

  89. I speak calmly and with confidence.

  90. I am thankful for my body.

  91. I am deserving of good things.

  92. I am thankful for all I have.

  93. I am here to love, learn, grow, and have fun along the way.

  94. Anything is possible if I believe.

  95. I am determined.

  96. I am on this planet for a reason.

  97. It's okay if someone doesn't like me. I am loved by many.

  98. My thoughts are powerful.

  99. I trust myself.

  100. I am talented and intelligent.

  101. I ask for what I need.

  102. When I fall, I get back up.

  103. I believe others have good intentions.

  104. Life is fun!

  105. I am resilient.

  106. I can be kind, even when it's hard.

  107. I will succeed.

  108. I can take a deep breath and be calm.

  109. I am ready for anything the day brings.

  110. I am unstoppable.

Remember to say them out loud every day to see your thoughts transform. If you love these affirmations, check out my Etsy store to find them in printable card format!

Resources for More Information/Sources:

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