Friday, February 17 is Random Acts of Kindness Day. So in honor of that, I am sharing a few ideas for random acts of kindness that you can do with kids of all ages.
Go through your pantry or go to or buy food and drop it off at a food pantry
Go through closets and donate unwanted clothes/socks to a homeless shelter
Leave happy notes around town
Leave a thank you note or picture in your mailbox for your mail carrier
Encourage your child to talk to someone new at school and follow up with them at the end of the day.
Bake treats with your children and drop them off at the fire or police station
Make a craft to share with a neighbor
Write kindness notes on sticky notes and leave them on neighbors' doors
Encourage your child to help their teacher clean up the classroom at the end of the day (follow up and ask about what they did to help)
Encourage your child to sit with someone at lunch who normally sits alone (follow up)
Walk around the parking lot at a grocery store and return carts to the cart corral
Make cards for a retirement home
Out shopping and seeing clothes on the floor? Rehang or fold fallen clothes
Make homeless kids with travel-size hygiene products and hand them out to people who are homeless
Donate old blankets to a pet shelter
Go out to a park and pick up litter
Encourage your child to help clean up a mess they didn't make
Encourage your child to hold to door open
Let someone cut in line
Make kindness rocks and place them around a local park for people to find
Write encouraging messages in chalk around town
Make a neighbor's dinner
Help your child pick a cause they care about and donate their weekly allowance
Call a friend or family member just to say hello
Make a family kindness jar and have everyone write down ideas they would like to do in the future. Then you can select ideas on random days.
Discuss with the whole family why kindness and generosity matter. Brainstorm as a family ways everyone can show kindness every day, not just on Random Acts of Kindness Day. And have fun! Being kind and doing something for someone else will likely make everyone in the family feel good.
Remember Mama, you are doing a great job! You got this!