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Organization Tips for Kid's Closets

Somehow my son's closet had gotten super unorganized. He doesn't have a lot of clothes at one time, but I found myself throwing in clothes and toys he had outgrown with no real system. I also found a pile of random miscellaneous items I didn't have another place for. The result: a mess of a closet that lacks function. So I started the hunt for some good ideas to help me get the organizing started.

1. Have a weekly organizer for clothes

I LOVE doing this! There are tons of different ideas and cute organizers to do this. I bought the organizer pictured above for my son's closet. I wanted one that was hanging (I never have enough floor space in the closet) and was prelabeled to make it as easy as possible.

On Sunday (or at least that's the goal) I do all the laundry and I pre-select outfits for the whole week. Now my little guy doesn't care, but you can also do this with your child if they prefer to choose their own clothing. The bottom line is that it makes mornings easier. You don't have to think about or find clothes, they are already laid out. I put pajamas for the whole week in ours too. It just makes everything easier.

2. Have a basket for out-grown clothes

This has made a big difference in keeping our little guy's closet neat and organized. Instead of just tossing clothes that are too small in, I put them in the basket. It keeps everything contained and I know when it is full I need to box them up to go to storage (or get rid of the clothes we do not intend to keep).

3. Sort extra sizes

If you buy clothes in advance and have a lot of clothes that your child is not yet wearing, you may want to try to sort the clothes by size. You can do this by using paper dividers or using different colored hangers by size.

4. Use labels or color code

I love rainbow organization, especially for kids. I think sorting by colors makes sense to kids because they can understand it. However, you want to label or sort however makes sense to you and your kids. But you want to easily be able to find what you are looking for.

5. Use under-the-bed storage if you need more space

Under-the-bed storage is great, especially for those items not used daily. Seasonal items, clothes that do not fit, toys, etc. could all go under the bed to make room in the closet.

6. Use door space

The door can be a valuable organizational space. There are all sorts of door organizers out there for a reasonable cost. Great for storing shoes, toys, accessories, etc.

7. Consider clear storage bins

Clear storage is great because you can see what is inside, so you won't forget about it. I am a big believer in out of sight, out of mind. I think clear storage is especially helpful if you are storing toys in your kid's closet so they can easily find them.

8. Use hooks to hang accessories

You can use Command Hooks to easily attach hooks to the walls. You can hang accessories like hats to keep other spaces clear.

9. Go through everything in your child's closet

Decide what can be donated, what needs to be stored, and what they use regularly. This will help you organize, declutter, and free up space.

10. Update your organization system on a regular basis

As your child grows, their closet needs will likely change. Reassess each year to make sure that the organization system is still working and increasing the function of the space.

Remember Mama, you are doing a great job! You got this!


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