The weather is warming up and soon many kids will be out of school for the summer. You may be wanting your kids to spend more time outside, but need ideas on what they can do. I have created a list of some fun and beneficial outdoor activities for kids.
But first, why should kids get outside? There are so many benefits for our kids to spend time outside!
Children who play outside are more likely to:
have improved motor development.
have lower obesity rates.
have a lower risk of nearsightedness.
have higher levels of vitamin D
have improved learning outcomes. Playing outside promotes curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking.
have less anger and aggression.
have more impulse control.
have lower levels of stress and depression.
have reduced symptoms of ADHD (if applicable).
have higher levels of confidence.
have an opportunity to learn responsibility for taking care of the environment.
have an opportunity to be stimulated differently than indoor activities.
And best of all, children love it!
Activities for babies:
Go for a walk with your baby in their stroller or carrier
Do tummy time on a blanket outside
Play with bubbles outside so your baby can watch them and try reaching for them
Go to a playground and use the baby swings
Water play
Have storytime outside on a blanket
Activities for a variety of ages:
Build nature sculptures - this can be done using playdough and kids sticking items found in nature in the playdough or you can let your child play in the mud. Ask your child about different patterns and textures as they play.
Go on a family bike ride or walk in your neighborhood or at a local park. Talk about what you are seeing along your route. Use a lot of detailed descriptions to help build their vocabulary.
Have storytime outside. Choose books that place in nature so you can connect the story with real life.
Schedule playdates outside to build social connections.
Tour the playgrounds in your community - see if you can visit them all before winter comes again!
Start a nature collection - your child can hunt for rocks, leaves, and pinecones. (These can be fun items to create art with too!)
Have a nature scavenger hunt - look for plants, trees, animals, and birds that are likely to be in your community.
Play sports - take a ball to your backyard or a local park to throw or kick around.
Have a picnic or barbecue outside
Go hiking with your kids - find tips here
Turn your yard into an obstacle course using items from your garage and backyard
Let your kids plant a garden (and be responsible for it!), find more information and resources here
Try geocaching (like treasure hunting!), find more information here
Water Play - water table, sprinklers, slip n' slide, mini pool, wash the car, wash a play car (like a Little Tikes car)
Make Sidewalk Chalk Art
Have a campfire using good fire safety habits
Have a clean-up day where you pick up litter (come prepared with gloves and trash bags)
Go to a U-Pick farm to pick fresh produce
Create sun prints using objects in nature and sun-sensitive photographic paper or nature rubbings using crayons and paper
Visit a botanical garden
Fly a kite
Draw a chalk road/parking lot/city for toy cars
Paint kindness stone, rock painting
Build a fort outside
Play with shaving cream outside
Use water to "paint" on the fence with a paintbrush or spray bottle
Make sponge bombs and have a water fight
Create a target and let your child try to hit the target with sponge bombs
Go camping
Go on a bug hunt
Don't forget the sunscreen! And enjoy!
Remember Mama, you are doing a great job! You got this!