I have never been one to make my bed. I have always thought it was a waste of time because my husband and I are the only ones who see it. But recently, my husband and I decided that we want our son to make his bed every morning. So we decided that we have to make our bed if we are going to expect him to do so.
We started making our bed as a new years resolution, and we have actually stuck with it! We also both like having it made and think that it helps us sleep better. Not to mention it immediately makes our bedroom look cleaner and more put together.
Did you know there are benefits to making your bed every morning?
Benefits of Making Your Bed
According to verywellmind.com and Good Housekeeping, making the bed every minute is beneficial because it give you:
A feeling of accomplishment
A sense of calm
Better sleep
Improved focus
Stress Reducer
Helps keeps your bedroom clean
An easy habit that can lead to other good habits
It is better for your bedding
A reason to have nice bedding you enjoy looking at
Making the bed has definitely been a positive new habit my husband and I have started this year, and I would definitely recommend it. My son likes it too! He likes to get on the made bed in the morning and lay on all of the pillows, which is often a fun and cute way to start our day.
The Spruce and Crane and Canopy, have some tips to make this a new habit including:
Purchase bedding you like and want to see
Keep a deep and wide basket by your bed to put throw pillows in at night (instead of on the floor)
Or skip the throw pillows (and maybe the top sheet) to make it super simple to make the bed
Make the bed before you leave your bedroom in the morning
Share the load - make your half of the bed so your partner will follow
I also like to include my son in the actual process. I am usually up and out of the room before my husband wakes up. So I bring my son back in while we are getting ready. My son loves to help, so while my husband is getting dressed, my son helps me (by bringing me the throw pillows) make the bed.
Of course, making the bed is a completely personal choice. But I have LOVED this new habit, so I recommend giving it a shot. I love how the room looks now and it is so nice to get into a made bed each night.
Remember Mama, you are doing a great job! You got this!